The Same Stuff
I contemplated the closest tree to me, just across the wooden fence separating my brother’s property line from the stand of conifers. It was a tall juniper. The stand belonged…
I contemplated the closest tree to me, just across the wooden fence separating my brother’s property line from the stand of conifers. It was a tall juniper. The stand belonged…
I never complained of the vicissitudes of fortune, nor suffered my face to be overcast at the revolution of the heavens, except once, when my feet were bare, and I…
Your essence existed before your temporal “self” and will continue to exist long after your phase change, or “death.” Life after death? If it makes you feel better, but remember…
There is nothing remotely controversial in the book, just great observation from a mix of Dr. Peterson's own personal and professional experience as a clinical psychologist in Canada and college…
Dr. Frankl first explains his experiences, and then what he was able to take from them and formulate into an intellectual and therapeutic framework, with many examples from life and…
This to my knowledge was the only English-language survey of Jung's work approved by the professor in his lifetime. I am glad I read it, I have a greater…
Five days away from the US elections, voters everywhere should understand what cyber security experts call “meme warfare”, and how it could influence the upcoming US election. …
This short, touching, and often pretty funny sketch grasps that theme, the culture clash of immigrants, especially from Asia in a very different culture, the family dynamics and conflicts, the…
If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud. Just as being nice to the arrogant is no better than being arrogant toward the nice, being…
Imagine living in a country where the government knows every single transaction you make, where every single transaction involves financial intermediaries, and at an electronic click, that government could prohibit…